Aquarius is a New Age and metaphysical book store located in Kansas City, Missouri. Their mission is to aid people in obtaining more positivity in their lives by providing the tools and information needed to start a spiritual journey; they help people dream, believe, and become whoever it is that they want to be. This theoretical rebrand was created for a brand identity design course at the Kansas City Art Institute during my junior year.
This was a semester-long project that involved going to the Aquarius shop and interviewing the owner to get an idea of what she might look for in a rebrand. Part of this assignment was to pick a demographic, so I chose a younger crowd because the area the store is located in is usually full of college students drinking beer and longboarding down the main streets.
The physical pieces in this rebrand included a logo, letterhead, business cards, crystal info cards, and bags with custom tissue paper to wrap the products in, sealed with branded stickers. The t-shirt and longboard design were extra compositions to align with the newly established demographic. If you’re interested in supporting a metaphysical supply store or are curious to begin your own journey, you can visit the Aquarius website here.